
Rabies vaccine should only be used as required past regulating authorities since marsupials are fairly resistant to the affliction.

From: Tree Kangaroos , 2021

Animals and Man Disease: Zoonosis, Vectors, Food-Borne Diseases, and Allergies

Colin G. Scanes , in Animals and Human Society, 2018

14.4.4 Rabies

Rabies is a viral zoonotic disease of many mammalian species but also bats, cats, foxes, raccoons, skunks, and people. It is spread chiefly by animal bites particularly from dogs. Unless treated, rabies is almost e'er fatal in people and most animals. Rabies vaccination is required legally for dogs and cats in all States in the Us. People who have a loftier gamble of animal bites, such as veterinarians, receive safety vaccination against rabies. If someone is bitten past an animal suspected of having rabies (being rabid), a series of vaccinations are used. Orally active vaccines at baiting stations are employed to control rabies in wild animals.

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Vaccines the tugboat for prevention-based animate being production

Ramadevi Nimmanapalli , Vikas Gupta , in Genomics and Biotechnological Advances in Veterinary, Poultry, and Fisheries, 2020

20.five.2.ii Rabies

Rabies is a neglected zoonotic fatal illness of warm-blooded animals including human beings, and caused by rabies virus. Information technology is associated with exposure of rabid animals, and incubation menstruum of the disease depends on the extent of bite, site of bite from the encephalon, and quantum of virus entered by saliva at the bite wound ( Blanton et al., 2009). The disease is reported from all the geographical areas of the world except Antarctica and has around 100% mortality in humans and animals. Over the concluding 100 years, a number of vaccines such as inactivated, MLV, and recombinant have been developed for the control and prevention of illness (Muller et al., 2001; Xiang et al., 2003; Singh et al., 2017). The neural origin vaccines have been discontinued due to their adverse effects and use of animals for the propagation of the virus. Nowadays modern vaccines, cell civilisation, and embryonated egg-based inactivated vaccines (Beta-propiolactone) are beingness used prophylactically (preexposure) and therapeutically (postexposure) to protect humans and animals against rabies (Singh et al., 2017). These modernistic vaccines are now available in well-nigh developing countries and have been successful to minimize the number of man exposures. Farther, recombinant vaccines lack residue pathogenicity caused by rabies because they contain merely single nonvirulent cistron products. Various vectors such every bit animate being poxvirus, human and canine adenoviruses encoding rabies virus glycoprotein G have been tested in different targets (dog, cat, pull a fast one on, and raccoon) and nontarget wild fauna via oral road (rabbit, deer, etc.). Among these vaccines, a vaccinia-based recombinant vaccine is used for immunization of wild animals every bit edible bait and are playing an important role in the prevention of rabies virus from wild animals to other domestic animals and humans (Yang et al., 2013). The oral vaccines are Raboral V-RG (vaccinia recombinant virus expressing G poly peptide) and with Rabigen SAG2 (double mutant avirulent strain SAG2).

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Major diseases of livestock and poultry and bug encountered in controlling them

Aruna Pal , A.K. Chakravarty , in Genetics and Convenance for Disease Resistance of Livestock, 2020


It is a deadly zoonotic affliction caused by the lyssa virus and primarily effects the nervous system such every bit the brain and spinal cord. All the mammals are susceptible to rabies infection.


The causal agent for Rabies is lyssa viruses from the Rhabdovirus family. Lyssaviruses are usually confined to one major reservoir species in a given geographic surface area, although switching over to other species is also mutual. Identification of dissimilar virus variants by laboratory procedures is very important to empathize rabies epidemiology, techniques employed may be monoclonal antibody analysis or genetic sequencing. Mostly, each virus variant is responsible for virus transmission between members of the same species in a given geographic area. To engagement, >15 different lyssaviruses accept been identified. Globally, rabies virus is the nearly of import member of the genus.


Animal dies chop-chop once clinical signs appear. Milk product and feed intake may drop and cows may look very alert, staring at objects. Drooling of saliva is the common symptom due to dysphagia. Ambitious, excitable or exaggerated movements are the common signs of rabies. Sexual activeness may be increased, including mounting beliefs. Bulls may have persistent erections or a prolapsed penis.

Other signs include

inappetence (lack of appetite)

dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)

altered vocalization


incoordination of hindquarters—unsteady gait


There may be two forms of rabies—furious and paralytic:


The term "furious rabies" refers to animals in which aggression (the acute neural exciting phase) is pronounced.


"Dumb or paralytic rabies" refers to animals in which the behavioral changes are minimal, and the disease is manifest principally by paralysis.

Mode of transmission

Bitter of dog or other wild mammals every bit fox, wolves are the commonest mode of transmission, when the infection spreads through infected saliva. Saliva is the principal source of virus and the main method of transmission of the virus being shed through infected cattle and spreading through the body via the bloodstream. The virus travels to the spinal string via peripheral nerves, incubate for 3–12 weeks is common and ultimately moves into the brain, at which point clinical signs of rabies often appear in cattle. Afterward reaching the brain, the virus travels via peripheral nerves to the salivary glands. If an animal is capable of transmitting rabies via its saliva, virus will be detectable in the encephalon. Virus is shed intermittently in the saliva. One time the symptoms of rabies outset, the affliction is nearly universally fatal.

The virus may enter the trunk through orifices and lacerations to the skin, although rare. Open wounds, mucous membranes, optics and the rima oris are possible entrance points for the virus. Nether normal conditions the virus is not spread through the air, though this method of transmission is possible. Rabies emergence may be affected by changes in virus-host dynamics or human translocation of infected species.

All rabies reservoirs are likewise vectors of the virus, but not all vectors are reservoirs. Cats can effectively transmit the virus, but no true cat-to-cat transmission of rabies perpetuates in lieu of a predominant reservoir (such equally infected dogs).No unique feline rabies virus variant has been documented to date. However, cats are the most usually reported rabid domestic brute in the Us. Virus is nowadays in the saliva of rabid cats, and people take developed rabies after being bitten past rabid cats.

Treatment and prevention

Once there is manifestation of clinical signs, the case is fatal.

People should follow firsthand treatment by a doctor after a seize with teeth or contact with an infected animal. Immediate washing of the wound with alkali soap need to be followed. Vaccination at the rate of 0, iii, 7, 14, and 28 days postbite demand to exist followed urgently. More the distance of the wound from the brain, more the human and animal is safer. The sooner treatment is started, the more probable a person will avoid developing the disease. Once symptoms appear, the rabies vaccine and immunoglobulin are not effective and death is almost sure. Rabies is a disease that must be reported to the authorities by police in Canada.

The most common handling of rabies is with postexposure prophylaxis. The first stride in treating rabies and to reduce the likelihood of developing symptoms is to launder the wound with soap and water.

The next critical step to forestall rabies includes a dose of immunoglobulin against the rabies virus followed past a strict schedule of injections of the rabies vaccine. The immunoglobulin provides immediate protection against the virus to "bridge the gap" until the vaccine starts working. The vaccine helps the person'due south allowed organization produce antibodies against the potentially lethal virus. The vaccine protects individuals for approximately 2   years.


No tests are available for rabies in alive animals. Determination normally requires a postmortem inspection of the encephalon and detection of Negri bodies. In animals, rabies is diagnosed using the straight fluorescent antibody test, which looks for the presence of rabies virus antigens in brain tissue. In humans, several tests are required.

Clinical diagnosis is a hard job, especially in areas where rabies is uncommon, and should non be relied on when making public wellness decisions. Upon suspicion of rabies when definitive diagnosis is required, laboratory confirmation is indicated. Suspect animals should exist euthanized and the head removed for laboratory shipment.

Rabies diagnosis should exist washed by a qualified laboratory, designated by the local or land wellness section in accordance with established standardized national protocols for rabies testing. Through immunofluorescence microscopy on fresh brain tissue, straight visual observation of a specific antigen-antibody reaction is observed. A highly specific diagnosis within a few hours is possible. Brain tissues must include medulla oblongata and cerebellum and should be preserved past refrigeration with wet ice or cold packs. Virus isolation by the mouse inoculation test or tissue culture techniques using mouse neuroblastoma cells may be used for confirmation.


Several tests are necessary to diagnose rabies antemortem (before death) in humans; no single exam is sufficient. Tests are performed on samples of saliva, serum, spinal fluid, and skin biopsies of pilus follicles at the nape of the neck. Molecular diagnostic assay may be employed for virus isolation from saliva, which can be tested by reverse transcription followed by polymerase concatenation reaction (RT-PCR). Serum and spinal fluid are tested for antibodies against rabies virus. Peel biopsy specimens are examined for rabies antigen in the cutaneous fretfulness at the base of pilus follicles.

Prevention and control

Globally, the domestic dog is one the most important reservoir in developing countries in particular. Elimination of regional canine rabies in a one-wellness context involves


integrated veterinary management of local fauna populations,


mass vaccination of dogs, and


community promotion of responsible pet buying is the nearly cost-effective, humane, long-term solution.

Comprehensive guidelines for control in dogs accept been prepared internationally by the Globe Health Organization and in the USA by the National Clan of State Public Health Veterinarians (NASPHV). They include the following: (one) notification of suspected cases, and euthanasia of dogs with clinical signs and dogs bitten by a suspected rabid animal; (2) reduction of contact rates between susceptible dogs by leash laws, dog movement command, and quarantine; (three) mass immunization of dogs by campaigns and by standing vaccination of young dogs; (4) devious canis familiaris control and euthanasia of unvaccinated dogs with low levels of dependency on, or restriction by, people; and (5) dog registration.


Three companies currently produce rabies vaccines, Pfizer (Defensor 3), Schering-Turn (Rabdomun) and Merial (Imrab 3 and Imrab Large Animal). These vaccines do not use alive viruses but are killed vaccines.

Rabies has been regarded as a deadly illness with extreme zoonotic importance and mortality. Since information technology becomes difficult to locate the instance of dog bite for livestock, information technology is better to obtain livestock genetically resistant to rabies.

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Captive red panda medicine

Guillaume Douay , Edward C. Ramsay , in Red Panda (Second Edition), 2022

Rabies virus

Red pandas are susceptible to rabies, but infections in convict animals are rare. Preventing infections is accomplished by biosecurity (preventing contact with reservoir species) and vaccination. Captive cherry pandas have been safely vaccinated with Imrab (Merial, Inc.) or Rabisin™ (Merial, Inc.), commercially available, killed virus vaccine, and inactivated and adjuvanted rabies glycoproteins, respectively. The erstwhile vaccine is approved for use in several species, including ferrets. Ruby-red panda vaccination regimens mimic those recommended for domestic species. The showtime vaccination was at xvi weeks and annual booster, thereafter. Depending on the location and incidence of rabies in the region, rabies vaccination could exist considered a core vaccination for red pandas [8].

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Skin and Arthropod-Borne Diseases

In Skin and Arthropod Vectors, 2018

Vaccinia Virus Expressing OspA

The VV was extensively studied equally a vaccine for smallpox and as a vector for vaccination against viral (HIV, rabies) and parasitic (malaria) diseases. RTV based on VV expressing OspA was tested past oral gavage on C3H mice. Detectable antibody titers were peaking 42  days after inoculation. Only 17% of ticks remained positive for Borrelia infection after feeding on vaccinated mice (Embers and Narasimhan, 2013; Scheckelhoff et al., 2006). The vaccine was not tested in the field but an empiric model predicted a reduction of the infection prevalence in nymphs by at least 56% (Gomes-Solecki, 2014).

This RTV has several advantages: it requires only a low number of doses to induce robust humoral and cellular responses (one vaccination is usually sufficient); VV has a wide range of hosts and it is stable under digestive weather condition; VV is able to accept large fragments of foreign DNA without affecting its infectivity; proteins are expressed at high levels; and the ingestion of virus does non cause a disease and it is not transmissible amongst infected animals (Embers and Narasimhan, 2013; Scheckelhoff et al., 2006). The main business organisation remains its potential to transmit the virus to unwanted recipients including immunocompromised humans or persons suffering from eczema (Embers and Narasimhan, 2013; Gomes-Solecki, 2014). Additionally, VV conception has been simply tested in laboratory weather condition, mainly in C3H mice, but not on P. leucopus or other natural reservoir hosts. This vaccine could besides include boosted antigens that target other tick-transmitted pathogens such equally Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Babesia microti, a bacterium and a parasite respectively, transmitted by Ixodes ticks (Scheckelhoff et al., 2006).

To reduce the potential for homo infection, some other novel RTV based on a VV encapsulated with pH-sensitive polymers Eudragit was designed aiming at inactivating the virus until it gets in contact with breadbasket fluids. Eudragit is cationic, nontoxic, and from a biocompatible family unit of polymers. These polymethylacrylate-based copolymers are designed to dissociate at a specific pH (pH   <   five). They have non been used to be encapsulated in living viruses due to the permanent inactivation of the virus by solvents used in the coating process, only in this study the solvents were optimized and thus a safer RTV based on VV could exist developed (Kern et al., 2016).

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Livestock and People – The Intimate Relation Under Threat

T. Sujatha , ... A.K. De , in Biodiversity and Climatic change Adaptation in Tropical Islands, 2008

half-dozen.five.three Beast Wellness

Nicobar Islands like many other isolated places are costless from the incidence of certain diseases namely, avian flu, swine flu, rabies anthrax, HS, BQ and some of the exotic diseases of livestock and poultry. But due to the increased inflow of men and materials without proper quarantine into the islands may alter the illness free status. In improver the changing climatic pattern, flood of large littoral tracts and long dry spells during the summertime months affects the animals direct or indirectly besides changing in the living environment. These changes have reflected in the outbreak of food and mouth diseases after December-2004 Indian Sea tsunami, regular outbreak of infectious bursal and ranikhet diseases in poultry. Some of the diseases like leptospirosis, brucellosis, TB and so on prevalent in the islands too poses a threat to the human population every bit these diseases are transmitted to human and causes serious consequences. Therefore, monitoring and surveillance of the of import diseases should receive high priority of livestock sector adaptation to climate change. This is pertinent to many of the tropical islands where special attention is required on the issue of quarantine of the animals from its import from elsewhere into the islands and vice-versa.

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Measurement of cloy proneness

Kelly A. Knowles , ... Bunmi O. Olatunji , in Emotion Measurement (Second Edition), 2021

25.four.3 Cantankerous-cultural generalizability

Examination of cross-cultural differences in disgust responses may inform knowledge on the part of the emotion. Fig. 25.2 depicts global variation in disgust propensity from a web survey with 38,845 participants conducted past Curtis, Aunger, and Rabie (2004). Participants were asked to charge per unit how disgusting they plant a series of paired images that were identical except for pocket-size alterations which made them disease-irrelevant or disease-relevant. For case, in ane pair, a plate of viscous liquid is colour-morphed in two means: for the disease-irrelevant category, the liquid is dyed blue, whereas in the disease-relevant category it is made to look like bodily fluids. The results showed a high degree of variability between individuals for subjective ratings of disgust (average standard deviation   =   0.83). All the same, differences in variability between continents were not statistically significant, varying merely between three.77 and 3.94 (SD   =   0.05). These findings suggest that cultures do not significantly differ in disgust responses to images of mutual disease vectors. Consequent with this notion, Olatunji et al. (2009) plant that scores on the DS-R significantly correlated with one another among eight countries including Australia, Brazil, Nihon, Federal republic of germany, Italian republic, Sweden, the Netherlands, and the United States. This suggests that there may be niggling variation in disgust elicitors between cultures, simply considerable variability inside a culture.

Fig. 25.two. Hateful and standard departure of disgust scores for a sample of 38,845 individuals by region. (Note that 'Middle East and North America' should read 'Center East and North Africa').

It is important to note that research on the cantankerous-cultural manifestation of disgust is rather limited. For example, the countries examined in the Olatunji et al. (2009) study are all predominantly Western, and therefore some elicitors may differ in other parts of the world (i.e., Africa). Although disgust is considered to exist a defensive mechanism from ingesting potential contaminants, eating habits can be culturally adamant. Western culture has historically viewed insects as disgusting, but insects are a primary source of poly peptide for other cultures (e.g., Africa, Asia, Due south America) (DeFoliart, 1999). Many of the cloy questionnaires include items relating to insects (worms, cockroaches, and beetles) despite cultural variability. Curtis et al. (2004) found that the only image pair in which the not-threatening image was rated as more disgusting than its disgust-relevant counterpart was the Ascaris (a small parasitic intestinal worm)/caterpillar pair. The Ascaris was found to be significantly more than disgusting in Europe and Northward America, merely the caterpillar was reported equally more disgusting in the Far E, the Centre East, Latin America, and India. There were no significant differences in sub-Saharan Africa and Australia. Although the experience of cloy has been shown to serve an evolutionarily derived function, these findings suggest that culturally specific practices may yield considerable variation in predicting specific elicitors.

Important subtleties in language may also complicate cantankerous-cultural comparisons of disgust responding. Several issues exist with translations of psychological measures including the reliance on bilingual translators, differences in back-translations (i.e., translating to German then back to English) with the face up-validity of the measure out, and potential loss of construct. Indeed, at that place may be substantial cultural variance in how cloy is viewed and defined. For example, back-translation of the term cloy in Chinese cultures was more closely associated to the English term "anger" than cloy (Barger, Nabi, & Hong, 2010). At that place is likewise no verbal translation for the English language concept of cloy in Hindi or Malayalam, with Hindi and Malayalam translations referring mainly to moral violations rather than contamination (Kollareth & Russell, 2017). Fifty-fifty within the United states, many participants define the term "disgust" to include conceptual features of anger, whereas the term "grossed out" is more closely alike to operational definitions of disgust (Nabi, 2002). These language considerations highlight the importance of culturally-sensitive operational definitions of cloy and in-depth translations including validation in the culture of involvement.

Current measures of cloy are also limited by the lack of validation among ethnically heterogeneous populations. Table 25.ane shows that, amongst the studies which study ethnicity, the majority of participants in the psychometric validation studies of the scales are Caucasian. Across all the available studies reported in Table 25.one, Caucasians account for an average of almost 86% of the samples. This is a significant limitation considering, although thin, some research has shown significant indigenous differences in disgust responding. For example, compared to European Americans, African Americans written report greater disgust proneness (Haidt et al., 1994). Similarly, Tolin et al. (2006) found that not-whites (majority African American) study greater cloy proneness compared to whites. In a recent study, disgust-eliciting films produced equivalent self-reported cloy in both Asian Americans and European Americans, but European Americans had greater skin conductance reactivity compared to Asian Americans; importantly, there were no differences in skin conductance reactivity in response to neutral films (Soto, Lee, & Roberts, 2016). Overall, findings which support ethnic differences in cloy sensitivity accept been inconsistent and may depend on the measurement method used (Skolnick & Dzokoto, 2013; Williams, Abramowitz, & Olatunji, 2012).

Examination of ethnic differences in disgust should also be expanded beyond comparing whites to African Americans. An estimated 18.3% of the U.s. population is Hispanic or Latino/a, an 18.4% increase since 2010 (American Community Survey, 2018). Despite the growth of this population in the United States, very little is known about cloy responding in the Hispanic population. The just report to examine cloy propensity in a Hispanic sample constitute higher cloy propensity in females compared to males, which is consequent with Caucasian samples (Hirai, Vernon, & Dolma, 2018), though cloy propensity scores were not compared with other ethnic groups in this written report. In addition, both disgust propensity and acculturation had equal furnishings on BII fear, which did not vary between males and females. These results implicate disgust propensity in the etiology of BII fear in a Latino/a student sample, which replicates earlier work in non-Latino/a students but finds a unlike role of gender (Kleinknecht, Kleinknecht, & Thorndike, 1997). A greater understanding of how disgust might vary past ethnicity, including dissimilar associations with gender, can inform electric current understanding of a range of social and political issues that may also vary by demographic factors.

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Nanosilver-based strategy to control zoonotic viral pathogens

Yasemin Budama-Kilinc , ... Zafer Ceylan , in Silver Nanomaterials for Agri-Nutrient Applications, 2021

29.1 Introduction

Zoonotic diseases are defined as infectious diseases that are transmitted from vertebrate animals to human beings and vice versa. These diseases can exist of any pathogen origin, including bacteria, parasites, fungi, viruses, and prions (Wang and Crameri, 2014 ). Rabies, anthrax, tuberculosis, plague, yellow fever, and influenza tin can exist counted equally zoonotic parasitic diseases among the best-known zoonosis earlier the 20th century ( İnci et al., 2018). 60 pct of the 300 infectious agents identified between 1940 and 2004 were classified as a zoonosis, merely most of these infections belong to ignored diseases (Budke et al., 2006). More than 200 zoonoses take been identified upwardly till now, and the epidemiological appearance and distribution of these diseases accept occurred in a desultory, endemic, epidemic, and pandemic forms that cause death among human beings, livestock, and wild animals (Narrod et al., 2012).

Zoonotic infections are also accepted equally one of the most of import causes of poverty because they cause great economic losses (Pendell et al., 2016). In the second half of the last century, many industrialized countries needed expensive infrastructure investments to control or eliminate zoonotic diseases. Additionally, the command of the diseases mentioned to a higher place has been accomplished through rigorous and coordinated interventions such as brute testing and segregation, feed bans, pets and mass vaccination in wildlife, wellness education, and milk pasteurization. Besides, the development of new antiviral agents has become a necessity, as various pathogenic viruses, including those that are the source of zoonotic affliction, crusade outbreaks and the mentioned viruses develop resistance to the known antiviral drugs.

Today, nanoscale materials emerged every bit new "antimicrobial agents" due to their high surface area/volume ratio and unique chemical and physical properties (Kim et al., 2007; Morones et al., 2005). In this respect, nanotechnology is defined as a field of applied science and advanced technology that uses the physicochemical backdrop of nanomaterials as a tool to produce nanoscale materials and command their sizes, surface areas, and shapes. Amongst these nanomaterials, metallic-based ones have attracted great interest in medicine as they allow the development of antivirals that stop infections, specially by affecting viral pathogens during cell entry. Some studies reported that silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) are much more than effective than the other metal-based NPs due to their antiviral backdrop (Dung et al., 2019). In one of these studies, Ag NPs inhibited replication of homo immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) and also did not indicate acute cytotoxicity on Hut/CCR5 cell line and human peripheral blood monocular cells (Alghrair et al., 2019). Apart from HIV-1, Ag NPs tin also collaborate with other human viral diseases such every bit herpes simplex virus blazon 1 and blazon 2 (HVS-1 and HSV-two) (Baram-Pinto et al., 2009; Orłowski et al., 2018), hepatitis B (HBV) (Lu et al., 2008), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) (Morris et al., 2019), H1N1 influenza (Li et al., 2016), H3N2 influenza (Xiang et al., 2013), human parainfluenza type 3 (Gaikwad et al., 2013), poliovirus (Huy et al., 2017), and adenovirus type 3 (Chen et al., 2013).

Zoonotic diseases are evaluated to be among the most major problems, which cause huge economic losses worldwide and seriously threaten both human and fauna wellness. Therefore, in this chapter, we focused on the antiviral effects of Ag NPs, which have an important identify among metal-based nanomaterials.

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Red pandas in Nepal: a community-based arroyo to mural-level conservation

Ang Phuri Sherpa , ... Damber Bista , in Red Panda (Second Edition), 2022

Dog Direction

Red panda mortality due to dog predation is common in ruby panda range [iii,7,10] Gratis-roaming dogs, which include feral and trained herder dogs, assail and impale red pandas (and other sympatric species) [11] likewise as transmit zoonotic diseases: rabies, canine distemper [12] and gastrointestinal parasites [13,xiv].

RPN is working with local agencies and community organizations in Nepal to implement neutering and rabies vaccination programmes to alleviate the threat of free-roaming dogs. During the last three years, 1,000 dogs were vaccinated with antirabies vaccines, and 200 dogs were neutered. There are more than than 100 hotels and tea houses forth the Sandakphu and Pathibhara roads in the PIT corridor in eastern Nepal. Most of these hotels and teahouses lack garbage direction practices and unmanaged garbage disposal sites attract feral dogs. RPN is working with these establishments to meliorate their sanitation and garbage management.

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Rabies Virus

STEWART ODEND'HAL , in The Geographical Distribution of Animal Viral Diseases, 1983

Rabies Virus


Classification and description: Family, Rhabdoviridae; genus, Lyssavirus; species, Rabies virus. The Rabies virus is neurotropic and causes behavioral changes that may exist paralytic or ambitious.


Hosts: Near warm-blooded animals are said to exist susceptible.


Areas free of the virus: Australia, New Zealand, British Isles, Hawaii, and parts of Scandinavia are regarded as free, as well every bit some other islands in the Pacific (Japan and Taiwan) and the Atlantic (Jamaica and many other small Caribbean area islands).


Key developments: The disease has been recognized for thousands of years. Pasteur prepared a protective anti-rabies vaccine in 1885. Remlinger showed that the disease was caused by a virus in 1903. Although bitter is the master means of manual, inhalation (and peradventure ingestion) (1,5,six,16) may rarely exist involved. The intermittent liberation of rabies virus from a dog has been reported under experimental conditions (vii). A number of vaccines have been produced (four). Reviews are available (three,14), as well as annotated bibliographies (2,3).


Historical motility: The disease has been recognized since ancient times as existence transmitted by dogs and other carnivores; today sylvatic rabies poses a significant threat only in the United States, Canada, and South Africa. Canis familiaris rabies is the major problem in the remaining affected countries.


Diagnostic techniques: Methods of demonstration of Negri bodies and use of FA are well established (eight,ten). Other tests (9,xi) have been reported but are not advocated for routine diagnosis. VN can exist performed past neutralization testing in mice, the rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test (13), or by plaque neutralization (12). Recently the use of monoclonal antibodies has been applied to rabies diagnosis (15).


Diagnostic reagents: See Section F.


Map credits: Current literature and the reviewer.


Reviewer and consultant: 1000. M. Baer, CDC, P. O. Box 363, Lawrenceville, Georgia 30246.

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